12 Days of Christmas Cookies: Quick and Easy Turtles – A Guest Post

by Elizabeth on December 11, 2011 · 2 comments

in christmas cookies, recipes, watch me bake

Some of you may know that I’m out of town because my best friend is getting married.  So Reese, of The DIY Newlywed and one of my first blogging friends, generously offered to guest post for me.  I may have also sent her a panicked email begging her do it, so maybe it wasn’t so much volunteering as it was soothing a bridesmaid’s nervous brain. 🙂  Anyway, Reese is a fantastic baker and is sharing a fun and simple recipe with all of us. 

Hi everyone! My name is Reese and I’m The DIY Newlywed.  I’m a freak for the holiday season—it’s the only time of the year I can bake to my heart’s content without appearing obsessed or crazed.

But right now? I’m pooped. I’ve been painting up a storm trying to transform our dingy apartment into something more livable and home-y.  And, go figure, I have a family Christmas party / family reunion to go to today. I wanted to make this elaborate stollen that would surely impress my in-laws. It takes 2 to 3 days to bake, smells divine, and doesn’t take a lot of hands-on work. It’s a traditional recipe that just tastes like the holidays.

And then life happened. And it’s Friday night. And I have no bread prepped; am already a day behind; am exhausted.

No big deal.

With pretzels, rolos, and M&Ms, anyone can make these quick-n-easy turtles that look simple, but taste like the fancier stuff 😉 And it’s perfect for me to bring to the party!

This recipe seriously takes less than 10 minutes to make. You can thank me for it later (just make sure to pop one in your mouth while they’re still warm. O.M.G.).

You will need:

1 bag of mini pretzels (the squares are awesome, but the traditional shape will do!)

1 bag of rolos (I used two, because I needed a lot. Unwrapped.)

1 bag of M&Ms, any variety (or walnuts, or pecans, or coconut shreds, or crushed peppermint sticks, or *insert other insanely awesome candy treat here*)

Step 1:

Preheat oven to 350.

Step 2:

Evenly space pretzels on a cookie sheet, about a half-inch apart.

Step 3:

Top each pretzel with an unwrapped rolo.

Step 4:

Stick in oven for 3-5 minutes (It took my oven 5 minutes). The chocolate will look slightly shiny, but not really changed in shape.

Step 5:

Take out of oven and press M&Ms (or other item) into top of chocolate. I used a peanut M&M because I thought the added salt and crunch might be nice 😉 Whatever you press into the top should press easily without any force. If you’re struggling, pop those chocolates back in the oven for another minute or two.

Let cool a bit before transporting. But they’re perfect to start munching.

Cross your fingers that everyone at the party loves these! I could only find “Fall” themed M&Ms, but these would definitely look cute with Christmas colors. 🙂

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1 Kati December 18, 2011 at 9:14 am

My sister makes something similar to these only she uses regular chocolate instead of Rolos like you did. We always enjoy it when she makes them.


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