April Goal Review

by Elizabeth on April 30, 2011 · 1 comment

in Adventures, goals

1. Budget – Stick to my spending limits! I’m over in three categories this month, gas, groceries, and eating out.  At the point, spending a lot on gas can’t be helped.  Gas is expensive and I have to drive.  I don’t live in an area that is pedestrian-friendly nor can I walk or take public transportation to work.  I’m trying to batch errands and avoid driving as much as possible, but it’s difficult.  As far as groceries and dining out, yes grocery prices are rising, but let’s just call this one an overall fail.

2. Food – Stop collecting recipes.  I only printed recipes that I knew I needed (a cookie recipe and something I REALLY wanted to make for dinner) and the rest I either ignored or added to my Pinterest board.
3. Blogging – Set aside time each day to blog.  As I disappeared for a week this month, this just didn’t happen.
4. Social – Stay connected.  I was much better about reaching out to people and hanging with lots of different people.  I feel much better about social things this month.

5. Personal – Organize my office.  Um, this didn’t happen.  Maybe next month. 

How did you do with your goals this month?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Christine May 1, 2011 at 12:49 am

here's how I'm doing…I forgot it was already time to make new/review april's goals…gah! hehe


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