Awesome Things That Happen On Twitter

by Elizabeth on January 2, 2014 · 1 comment

in awesomeness, books, reviews

I have long professed my love for Twitter.  I feel like I can be myself more than I can on Facebook and most of the people I follow are awesome and not sharing long ranting posts full of song lyrics or every detail about their latest illness.  Plus, I enjoy trying to be witty in 140 characters.

Awesome things happen on Twitter.  It’s great for breaking news and for spreading a message quickly.  It’s also great for promotion.  Lots of authors use Twitter to great extent and I enjoy following them; most authors tweet a good mix of their real lives and information about their books.  Whenever I read a book I love, and especially if I review it, I always make sure I tag the author in my tweets.  It’s always fun to get a “thank you” or “glad you enjoyed it” back from an author.  So I got pretty excited when this happened:

And then I squeed a little because this happened:

I was all over that like whoa.  I’ve NEVER had an author offer to send me a book before.  I couldn’t believe Ms. Romain’s generosity.  Obviously, I tweeted her back and we arranged for her to ship me the book.  It arrived on Christmas Eve, autographed, and included a sweet note.

Season for SurrenderCurrent and future authors: THIS is how you attract loyal readers.  She could write crap from now on (which I doubt because she’s really quite good) and I would still read her books.  If you’re nice to me, there’s a 99.99% chance I’m going to support you however I can.

I finished the book last night and I thought it was really well done.  I had a suspicion that I might enjoy it more than the first (which I gave a B), because I like heroines who are more like me – bookish and not quite sure where they fit in. I also like Regencies that are set at house parties.  So this was a win for me.  My only complaint was that it dragged a little about 3/4 of the way through.  But I thought it wrapped up nicely and the ending was more satisfying than Season for Temptation did.  Season for Surrender gets a B+ and I’m looking forward to reading more from Theresa Romain.



{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Judith January 3, 2014 at 3:01 pm

Jennifer Hayward, a Harlequin Presents author, not only sent me a personal book autographed, but she also sent me an early copy of her next book months later! I love when authors take that extra step! 🙂


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