BlogHer Book Club Review: Slow Love

by Elizabeth on September 8, 2011 · 1 comment

in BlogHer Reviews, books, currently reading, reviews

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I’m not sure what I expected with Dominique Browning’s Slow Love.  But I know that what I read wasn’t it.  And that was a very good thing.

I think I expected something along the lines of a happy-go-lucky, “this bad thing happened to me, but I’m so much better for it” kind of book.  But it’s definitely not that kind of book.  It’s a book about losing your job and losing your purpose in life.  It’s about how bad relationships trick our minds.  It’s about wallowing in your pajamas and selling your house and baking cookies.  It’s about depression.  It’s about dealing with it all.  And then coming out a much better person.

I really enjoyed this book.  I see a lot of myself in Ms. Browning; our love for solitude, books, homemaking, and baking are very similar.  I could also see myself drifting, struggling to get out my pajamas, struggling to do anything if I suddenly found myself unemployed.  I did a lot of drifting and moping while I was an unemployed librarian, so this book spoke to me.

Slow Love is about finding contentment in the little things.  Life doesn’t have to be about exciting (and horrific) relationships, and fast-paced and exhausting career, and trying to do it all.  It can be about gardening and swimming and learning how to cook.  Slow Love encourages us, the reader, to slow down, don’t race through life.  Let love come to you and enjoy the small things.

Want to learn more about Slow Love and Dominique Browning?  Check out BlogHer Book Club’s Slow Love page!

Disclosure: I received a copy of Slow Love from BlogHer for review, but all opinions are mine and mine alone. 




{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Molly September 9, 2011 at 10:02 am

I’m a homebody. I finally learned to embrace it, that it’s ok that I don’t choose to go on exotic vacations, but I do choose to have lots of books and blankets and fancy soap in my home. I’m glad there are others like me.


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