Recipe: Chocolate Pistachio Bundt Cake

by Elizabeth on August 10, 2010 · 0 comments

in recipes, watch me bake

This is my very first Tasty Tuesday post! If you are new, welcome! Please stay awhile and look around! I hope you enjoy my blog! 

I was super skeptical about this recipe when Mom brought it home from the lake.  Chocolate syrup IN a cake?  Pistachio pudding mix?  I couldn’t imagine it would be good, even though Mom kept repeating that it was excellent.  I really should learn to trust her.  Especially when it comes to chocolate.  Mom is always right when it comes to chocolate.  Always

Anyway, don’t let the ingredients through you off.  I’ve never had pistachio pudding, but this cake didn’t taste like the nut at all.  Nor did it taste of orange juice, despite having a 1/2 cup in it.  We made this cake according to the directions, except we couldn’t find a 3 oz box of the pudding mix, so we bought three small boxes (I think they were 1 oz each).  The cake was really green, more so than Mom remembered, so we may just add 2 boxes next time.  We used Jello brand pistachio instant pudding for future reference.  We also decided that 1/2 cup chocolate syrup would be fine; 3/4 cup felt like too much.  I found a different recipe online that called for 1/2 cup, so next time we try it, we’ll use 1/2 cup.

Chocolate Pistachio Bundt Cake

1 pkg. yellow cake mix (about 18 oz.)
1 pkg. instant pistachio pudding mix (3 oz.)
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
1/2 – 3/4 cup chocolate syrup

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease and flour a bundt pan.* 

Combine all ingredients except syrup in a large bowl and mix 2 minutes on medium speed with an electric mixer.  Pour 3/4 of the batter into the prepared pan.  Add chocolate syrup to the remaining batter; mix well.  Then pour into pan.  Do not stir or marble; this will happen on its own.  

Bake for 50-60 minutes or until tester comes out clean.  

*A bundt pan is really necessary for this dish, although I imagine a tube pan can be substituted.  You would just lose the pretty look.  

This post is linked to Tasty Tuesday.

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