December Goal Review

by Elizabeth on December 30, 2011 · 2 comments

in goal review

1. Budget – Finish shopping for Christmas presents and don’t buy anything else! I did this!  I stuck to my master list, and while I did spend a significant amount of money this  year, I didn’t spend any more than I anticipated nor did I buy gifts that weren’t on my list.

2. Food – Try to enjoy my holiday baking.  I’m going to call this both a success and failure.  I mostly enjoyed my baking, especially at the beginning of the month, but as the month worn on and life dumped all over me, I got a little stressed and didn’t enjoy it quite as much as I wanted to.  But, I got it all done and made some pretty terrific stuff so I’m happy about that.  And I think everyone enjoyed the treats I made which is really why I do it.

3. Blogging – Consistency.  I did get all the cookies made, photographed, and posted with only a few minor changes and moments of panic.  So that was a success.  I’m not sure how consistent I’ve been this month.  I know I’ve done some back posting and I definitely haven’t stuck to my schedule (I actually don’t even know where it is…), but this month has been very crazy so the fact that I managed to get anything posted should count as a success.  Or at least I’m going to count it as a success. 🙂

4. Social – Relax and enjoy the season.  Fail.  As I alluded to above, this month has been insane.  I knew it would be, but I didn’t handle it very well, and on top of that, I’ve dealt with some problems at work, a terrible cold, and some of the worse anxiety I’ve ever had.  I did see a lot of friends, had a great time at my best friend’s wedding, and am currently visiting a friend in DC, so you can’t say I haven’t been social…I’ve just been really stressed about it.

5. Personal – Work on my tone of voice.  I think (I hope!) I’ve been making some progress on this.  Like I said earlier this month, I never mean to sound condescending, patronizing, or overly sarcastic, but I do a lot of the time.  I’m trying to be more aware of how I’m saying things and who I’m saying them to, as well as not taking my personal feelings out on other people.  I’m not sure you can call it a success, but I feel like I might be making some progress here.  And any progress should be counted as successful.

How did you do on your December goals?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Christine December 31, 2011 at 2:35 pm

i did great on mine. but as there were only two and they were to get married and have fun on the honeymoon…they were kind of gimmes. 🙂


2 la future bibliothécaire December 31, 2011 at 4:11 pm

I’d call december a success : )


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