End of Summer Goals

by Elizabeth on August 8, 2012 · 1 comment

in goals, i love a good list

I can’t really call them August goals since August is a quarter of the way over.  But I have 44 days until summer is officially over so maybe I can actually get some things accomplished.

1. Clean out the refrigerator and freezer.  By clean out I mean work on eating all the stored food, but also take everything out and scrub, scrub, scrub.  I’m not even going to both taking a before picture for y’all because I don’t want to ruin your good opinion of me. 😉

2. Catch up on my reading.  I’ve read 35 (new to me) books this year (as well as about a dozen rereads but those don’t count) which is pretty much on target to reach my goal of reading 60 books this year, but I’m dangerously close to falling behind.  I’ve been…um, distracted a little here lately but I need to find the time to read.

3. Make a fall cleaning list.  Sort of the opposite of spring cleaning.  There’s definitely some areas of the house that need to be tackled.

4. Scratch a few more things off my house to-do list.  This has gone woefully ignored for most of this year.  I have the money saved up for a few projects.  I just need to actually do them.

5. Spend some time outside.  Ever since my skin cancer scare, I’ve seriously limited my time out of doors.  But the consequence of that is that I’m as pale as I am in the winter.  And when I get pale, I start to look slightly yellow.  Clearly, I need some healthy color to my skin.

What are  some of the things you’d like to get done before the leaves start to change?

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