Food Waste Friday

by Elizabeth on December 2, 2011 · 3 comments

in Food Waste Friday

Even though I’m throwing away three things, including some expensive pre-cut celery, I’m considering this week a success because I was able to make some saves.  I used some slightly sour milk in baking, cut off the bad places and used not-so-fresh apples to make applesauce, and used some yogurt I had languishing in the fridge in another baking recipe.

I am throwing away some broccoli and pasta that got lost in the hurry to clean out the refrigerator before Thanksgiving, some dressing from Thanksgiving because I just can’t eat it anymore, and the aforementioned celery that I can’t remember why it was bought.

What did you waste this week?  Any successes?

This post is linked to Food Waste Friday

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1 Reese December 2, 2011 at 10:19 am


No pressure or anything ;p

I’m actually going to participate in a 12-days of Christmas baking thing too! I’m clearing out my schedule at night so that I can actually start this on the 12th.

That was completely off topic. Sorry. Food waste friday related…. I threw out half a bunch of asparagus because it was droopy, a bag of carrots because I have no idea why I bought them and they turned bad, and about 1/4 c. of feta cheese that got liquidy (eww).

But on the other hand, I saved an entire butternut squash by cooking it (half is with me at work today for lunch!), and saved two artichokes (cooked them. Tried to eat them yesterday but realized I didn’t QUITE cook them long enough, so one is with me at lunch today too!). And I also saved some half and half by using it in my coffee. That was such a hard thing to do ;p

Looking forward to your December posts my dear! You have some of the best baking recipes EVERRRR.


2 Elizabeth December 2, 2011 at 10:36 am

I’ve spaced the cookies out some to help save my sanity. I almost went crazy and killed my mixer last year. I’ll have a new recipe up tomorrow.

Good saves though! I have decided if you save as many things as you waste your food waste record for the week should be zero. I might need to create a new feature for this…


3 Molly December 3, 2011 at 10:49 am

Wait – what? You wasted DRESSING? I don’t think that has ever happened at any house I know. Ever.
Seriously. Next time invite me over. I live in Chicago. So maybe mail it to me. But before it gets all gross and dried out, please.


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