Food Waste Friday

by Elizabeth on September 16, 2011 · 3 comments

in Food Waste Friday

This was kind of a weird week for food waste.  I had a bag of carrots inexplicably go moldy after only a few weeks in the fridge.  Usually carrots keep for over a month and only get dry and sort of shriveled.  I’ve never had a bag of baby carrots have weird slimy places on them.

On Wednesday I cooked a chicken breast with some mushrooms and broccoli, but the breast was huge, so I only ate half and put the other half away for Thursday.  But on Thursday, when I cut into and took the first bite, it tasted horrible.  I don’t know whether it was that it had been over-microwaved or that balsamic vinegar-marinated chicken doesn’t keep, but whatever it was, it was gross and I had to throw away half of an organic chicken breast.  That’s like $2.00.  Sigh.

I also tossed the last banana muffin this morning.  They weren’t that good to begin with and they were slightly over baked and I just couldn’t bring myself to eat it this morning.  So I threw it out.

On a more successful front, I was able to rescue some slightly old broccoli florets from our beach trip by tossing them with pesto and pasta.  I also used up all the eggs from last week’s egg dilemma.  I cracked each one in a separate bowl before I used it, and they were all fine.   And I have some celery and parsley that’s beginning to look a little sad in the fridge, but I plan to use that up next week in soup.

What did you waste this week?  Did you make any saves?

This post is linked to Food Waste Friday

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1 Reese September 16, 2011 at 9:02 am

ARGH. So I went through the fridge last night… first time in two weeks because of the wedding and people coming in…. we ate out almost exclusively since my grandmother has a hard time with stairs and I live on the third floor of my complex… no elevators! So I was worried we’d have a LOT of wasted food.

I tossed: A brand new bag of spinach, about two cups of cooked broccoli, about two cups of cooked potatoes (in my defense, these were about a month old, should have been thrown out sooner, and didnt taste good whent hey were cooked!), and about a cup of shriveled grapes.

My heart hurts for all that food waste. I looked at it in the garbage last night and wanted to cry. I KNOW if the wedding didnt get in the way, and our normal schedules would have ensued, we would have eaten most of that (not the potatoes tho). So I just have to say the wedding was worth it and move on 😉



2 Elizabeth September 16, 2011 at 10:16 am

It happens. We all have weeks where we are forced to eat out for whatever reason and things just don’t get eaten. Yes, it’s painful to throw out all that food (and money) away, but it happens. Life happens. Weddings (hooray!!) happen. Time to buy more food and try again next week.


3 June at Live and Learn-Toss and Turn September 17, 2011 at 7:25 pm

Smart move not eating the chicken the next day. You don’t want to mess with bad meat.


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