I’ve been putting off cleaning out the fridge for a while because I knew it was going to be bad. And it is. 🙁
First up were the mushrooms I trashed earlier this week. I didn’t get a picture, but they were super shriveled and were giving off quite a stink. There was maybe only 1/2 cup left so it wasn’t too awful, but I still hated to see them go.
Next we have what I cleaned out today:
Some leftover dip that I had been ignoring for a month or so, some corn muffins I forgot to freeze and now they are a lost cause, a good bit of watermelon that never tasted good in the first place and started to ferment, and a few raspberries that got really moldy really fast.
In danger of going bad are some grapes and baby carrots. I need to eat those up fast!
What did you waste this week?
This post is linked to Food Waste Friday.
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I do the same thing… Like if I ignore it, it will magically disappear?
The magical physics of the refrigerator. #howiwish
Could have been worse. Now you have a clean slate to work with.
That’s my plan!