Food Waste Friday – Two Weeks Edition

by Elizabeth on May 14, 2010 · 4 comments

in Food Waste Friday

I didn’t share my food waste from last week, one because I didn’t prepare a blog, and two because I was super embarrassed.  Last week’s food waste was horrible.  Absolutely horrible.  In more ways than one.  Last week I wasted:
  • almost an entire 5 pound bag of potatoes 
  • 2 onions
  • 1 container of strawberries
  • 1 apple
The reason I wasted all of this food was because it had all GONE BAD.  No joke.  I went to open the container of strawberries to make some muffins and every single one had mold growing on it.  For two days I hunted a mysterious smell in the pantry only to find that a potato had rotted and exploded.  Ever seen an exploded potato?  Not a pretty picture.  Ever smelled one?  Please don’t.  Every potato in the bag, minus about 4, were covered in potato-explosion-mess.  I couldn’t handle the smell enough to go through them all to see which ones were still good, so the whole bag went in the trash.  The onions were incredibly soft, mushy, and had gotten stuck at the bottom of the basket for an unspecified amount of time.  They, along with an apple that had rotted from the inside out for no apparent reason, went into the compost.  I have no idea what went wrong other than all of this produce came from a different grocery store than our usual one.  I will not be shopping for produce there anymore.
This week was much better.  I haven’t thrown anything out, but there is some smoked salmon dip, goat cheese, and shriveled grapes left over from last Thursday’s party that may be making a trip to the garbage before the weekend is out.  
This is super embarrassing to share, especially the fact that I let all of that produce go to waste.  Working full time is no excuse to waste food!  Here’s to doing better next week.  How did you do?
Food Waste Friday is brought to you courtesy of The Frugal Girl.

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1 "The Smelly Lady" May 14, 2010 at 2:23 pm

we all have weeks like you did last week. I've noticed that some of my produce, and it doesn't seem to matter which of the 2 grocery stores I get it at, spoils within a day or two one week and the next week it lasts for what seems like forever.


2 David the Silver Fox. May 14, 2010 at 4:13 pm

Why not put all that "Good stuff" onto the compost pile?


3 Megg May 14, 2010 at 9:58 pm

I threw out a whole pound of strawberries the other day 🙁 I was very upset.

You should have a breakfast for dinner night. I love doing that…it's yummy and fast, and if we don't eat bacon, it's also a meat-less night!


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Food Waste Friday: Two Weeks Edition

by Elizabeth on April 23, 2010 · 0 comments

in Food Waste Friday

I haven’t blogged about our food waste in a while, but I’m trying to do better! My family is doing a really excellent job of eating leftovers to help us cut back on our food waste, but unfortunately, we are still wasting food. Over the past two weeks, we have thrown away:

  • 5 onions that had mold on them (ever seen a moldy onion? Neither had I.)
  • ¾ of a jar of pasta sauce
  • Most of a bunch of parsley
  • Two carrots that I can’t remember when we bought them.

I seem to be wasting ingredients, rather than leftovers. I need to focus on using up the produce before it goes bad!

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