Food Waste Friday

by Elizabeth on May 27, 2011 · 1 comment

in Food Waste Friday

It’s not a good week for food waste at my house.  I had froze a half a loaf of (store bought) bread before I went to MLA, and took it out when I got home.  I ate two pieces and when I went to get some the next time, it was growing some really fabulous specimens of penicillin.  Yesterday I went to get some ricotta cheese to use in a new recipe and found it was growing pink mold.  A quick Google search and asking on Twitter told me pink mold is not the kind you can just scoop off.  So into the trash went the cheese and the bread.

I also discovered some mushrooms I had forgotten about.  I probably could have salvaged them in an omelet or a frittata, but since I left this morning to go see my best friend, they had to go.  I also wasted some fried rice that wasn’t very good to begin with and I couldn’t bring myself to eat it.

Sigh.  Not a good week.

What did you waste this week?

This post is linked to Food Waste Fridays

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 A'Llyn May 28, 2011 at 2:37 am

I don't even take bread out of the freezer anymore. I mean, I do, but only as much as I'm going to eat at a given time. It's less trouble to wait for the slices to thaw every time than it is to keep throwing it out because we don't eat it before it molds.

As for what I've wasted…um…a great opportunity to shoot a killer robot in the head in my video game? (Don't worry, I got it later.)


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