Guest Post: The Life and Times of a New Librarian – Where Are They Now?

by Elizabeth on September 28, 2011 · 2 comments

in guest post, jobs, librarians, librarianship

Everyone here probably knows Megg.  Not only does she have her own blog, she has she guest posted for me before, I’ve guest posted for her, and I’ve reviewed her jewelry (it’s super pretty btw).  Suffice to say, we are friends.  Which is why I was very glad she was willing to share her “Where Are They Now?” post, even though Megg isn’t very happy with where she is.  Read on to learn more.  Missed Megg’s first post?  Click here.  Wondering what the hell is going on? Read about it here.

The last time I posted in this series, I was disappointed because I’d been denied our local county job pool. It’s been over a year since then and, I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I still don’t have a library job yet.

When Elizabeth first asked me to write for this series, I told her no. I said I was too embarrassed to publicly admit that I don’t have a library job, that, though I am working now, it’s in a meaningless job where my days consist of mostly data entry, dispatching and some filing. I leave work each day feeling unfulfilled and dreading the next morning, when I have to return. With the 30 minute radius I’m willing to travel to work, and the competition of a large, very good library school in the area, I’m having a difficult time finding any library job, let alone the one I want. You see, my ultimate dream is to be a children’s and/or young adult librarian.

To do what I want to do, I’m limited to two public library systems, both with closed job pools, was just too much for me. I’m miserable at my job and, what’s worse, it’s affecting my marriage. So, I’m taking a huge leap of faith and trying something else. I’m going to take a few classes, go back to school and get a teaching certificate, so I can apply to and hopefully get a position in a public school.

I can’t even tell you how much this scares me, and I don’t even know if I have been accepted into the program yet. I don’t even know if I can do the student teaching partially in a classroom, and partially in a library. However, even if I don’t, I will do it anyway (provided I get in). Even if, in 2 years I’m teaching English/Language Arts, it will be so much more fulfilling than what I’m doing now.

But…this decision requires money, more student loans and, possibly best and worst of all, quitting my job to do student teaching for a year. It’s a huge leap of faith, and it terrifies me. I keep telling myself that this is what God wants, and even if he doesn’t, it gets me out of my current, miserable situation. My husband keeps telling me we can make it work financially, but I can’t imagine being more frugal than we already are. And yet…I know I have to take this leap of faith. I keep thinking of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when he steps out into nothing and there’s a bridge over the huge cavern.

So…here goes nothing.

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1 Reese September 28, 2011 at 1:40 pm

First off: Elizabeth–so glad that you decided to revisit these posts! I love the idea and am eager to see where your friends are at in their lives!

Second: I would never, ever, say no to additional education. Despite the loans, the stress, the irrelevant and sometimes daunting coursework… it’s one thing that can’t be repossessed, that no one frowns upon, and that you’ll have for the rest of your life. Period.

So far you’ve already got a lot of compelling reasons to go back to school: get out of your current job, make your prospects for future jobs greater, hopefully rekindle your marriage, learn more to help others, enrich your life educationally, and write fantastic updates for us to read! 😉

It’s not going to be easy. And it’ll probably be stressful and make you cuss a few times. But I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get in to the program you want!


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