I Don’t Really Have Anything To Say…

by Elizabeth on February 2, 2011 · 1 comment

in Adventures, i am random, life, struggles

So far it’s just been one of those weeks. 
Work is really busy – the residents are working on their research projects and keeping me busy doing searches and pulling articles. 
The weather is super gross.  I’m sure many of you are snowed in or are dealing with some terrible winter weather.  Down here in Alabama we aren’t getting any of that, just a lot of rain.  My office doesn’t have any windows so I didn’t realize it was raining when I left to meet my coworker for lunch.  Needless to say I was quite damp and irritated much of the day.
I think, along with the rest of the world, that I’m getting sick.  It may have something to do with the fact it was 73 degrees on Saturday and the high for tomorrow is barely getting out of the 30s. 
So, yeah.  It hasn’t been the greatest week.  Nothing terrible has happened, but all of this has made me feel rather blah.  And very unmotivated.  Which may be why I scratched my dinner plans and made boxed mac and cheese and chicken nuggets.  🙂  Sometimes we all need some easy-to-make comfort food.
On a slightly different and very random note: I think that flash mobs are awesome.  How amazing would it be part of one?  I’ve seen this one a few times and thought that I would share it in case you haven’t seen it.  Enjoy!

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1 Cate February 2, 2011 at 5:42 pm

I'm having one of those weeks, too! I've been so busy that I've had trouble finishing my to-do list everyday, so tasks end up rolling over to the next day repeatedly until one day (today!) I have an ENORMOUS list of things to do. I've been treating today as a catch-up day and running around like crazy all morning…


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