Internal Server Errors

by Elizabeth on September 30, 2014 · 0 comments

in Adventures

I’m sure by now many of you have gotten an “internal server error” message while navigating through my site. It looks like this:

Screen shot 2014-09-30 at 6.32.44 PM.pngI just want you all to know that I am aware of the problem and am working on a solution. It looks like it’s a combination of things including security problems and not enough space on my shared hosting server. I may have to migrate to a different plan or another hosting company all together if this doesn’t get any better.

Through the magic of social networking a friend of mine referred me to Greg Bellan, founder of KTC Digital, a web design, consulting, and digital marketing company.  Greg has awesomely taken a look at my problems and is helping me solve them. I’ll keep you posted on how the repairs are going. In the meantime, if you have any ideas on what I should be doing, please let me know in the comments or drop me an email at lifelovelibrarianship [at] gmail [dot] com.

Because I know you need it, here’s a picture of Caty Cat wondering why I woke her up taking a picture.


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