1. Budget – Set spending limits. I did this! I started using Mint.com (full review is in the works) and I was able to set limits in lots of categories. So far I’m not having much luck sticking to my limits, especially in eating out and grocery shopping, but that’s another issue for another time.
2. Food – Relearn how to shop and cook for one. I think this is an ongoing process. Cooking for one is going well (with exception of a few miscalculations on how much I can actually eat), but shopping could use some work. It’s not that I’m buying more than I can eat, it’s just I’m either underestimating how much I should be spending at the store or cooking too expensive meals. I have made the switch to cooking three meals a week and eating on the leftovers, so I just need to keep this up.
3. Blogging – Get on the wait list for BlogHer ads. I did this! And I emailed some fellow bloggers to get some advice and details about moving to a self-hosted blog.
4. Social – Make plans with friends and stick to them. I think I’m about 90% on this goal. I’ve definitely stepped up making plans and sticking to them, but there have been a few times I’ve not done what I said I was going to do or not called friends back. But I’ve hung out with several different groups of people and even went out with some work friends this past weekend. I’ve also started communicated with some fellow bloggers and am very pleased to report that I’m forming some great friendships.
5. Personal – Stop procrastinating! Well, I did really well at the first of the month, especially when it came to housework, but as the month progressed, things started to fall by the way side. I’ve been doing much better at work, though. Things are actually getting done and I feel much better about that part at least. Like many things, this is something I need to continue to focus on.
Do you set goals every month? How did you do?
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