July Goals

by Elizabeth on July 1, 2011 · 4 comments

in goals

1. Budget – Spend more wisely. Lately I’ve been focusing a lot on my grocery spending, but due to this month being very crazy, I’d like to just make it a point to watch where my money is going this month.  Not setting any spending limits, just watching where my money is going and spending purposefully.

2. Food – Attempt a freezer/pantry clean out. I have a lot of small amounts (perfect for one!) of dry goods and frozen foods in my kitchen, and I would really like to weed through them all before I buy more things.  I’m actually looking forward to getting creative and seeing what I can come up with without having to buy a lot of ingredients.

3. Blogging – Write everyday. This doesn’t necessarily mean post every day, but I really really want to create quality blog posts about more than just menus or pictures of my cat.  Part of writing great content is writing (and editing) a lot, so I need to work on that.  It’s hard at work to get good stuff written and I’m super tired of looking at a computer when I come home, but making blogging (and writing good content) a priority is a good way to start making progress.

4. Social – Write letters. This is something that I’ve meaning to do for a while.  I have several friends who have written me lovely letters and I’ve yet to respond.  I’ve kept them and I have the cards to write to them, but I just haven’t done it.  Setting it as a goal should help me get it done and establish a wonderful new way to communicate with friends.

5. Personal – Remain calm. This month (and last) are crazy.  I’m in two weddings, my best friend coming for a visit, I have major things happening at the library, and the last Harry Potter movie is coming out.  So I’m trying to stay calm and get some sleep.  And go to the library. 🙂

What are your goals for July?

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Christine July 1, 2011 at 8:37 am

Great goals. 🙂 But I don’t think you should stop posting pictures of Caty entirely. 🙂


2 Elizabeth July 1, 2011 at 10:21 am

Oh I won’t, don’t worry. 🙂 But I need to expand a little beyond on that.


3 Cate July 1, 2011 at 5:59 pm

Love your goals for this month! So intentional. I need to catch up on my letter-writing this month, too.


4 Meyser July 12, 2011 at 1:42 am

I like the idea of setting goals for the month, and I especially like your third goal. I just re-opened my english blog and I really have to keep in mind to post regularly. I have to find some kind of routine and insipiration.
My main goal this month should be to clean my house though, and to put at least half of all our stuff in boxes, as we move out in the beginning of September, and we’re on holiday next month.


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