Menu Plan Monday

by Elizabeth on November 15, 2010 · 0 comments

in Menu Plan Monday

Saturday: Gameday spread – Ham and cheese sliders, hummus and pita chips, fruit, brownies
Sunday: Everyone on their own
Wednesday: Leftovers
You’ll notice this week that we are going heavy on the starches because we’re trying to keep things quick and easy.  For those of you who don’t follow me on Twitter, my grandfather has been in the hospital since last Tuesday after a bad fall.  He is not in good shape, physically, so the doctor chose to keep him in the hospital to help him regain some of his strength that he lost during a brief bought with shingles and a lot of stress in his life. 
The stress comes from my grandmother’s recent diagnosis of dementia.  We’ve known for a while that things weren’t quite right, but it recently got pretty bad and the doctor gave her a formal diagnosis.  Needless to say, this has not been an easy few weeks on anyone. 
After a lot of hard thinking and praying, we’ve decided the best place for my grandparents is a retirement home where they can have some assistance and will no longer have to worry about cooking, cleaning, and driving.  We will be moving them to their new home next weekend, so this week will be all about preparing for my grandfather to come home from the hospital and beginning to pack up their apartment. 
So that leaves me with a pretty simple menu plan that has meals that can be prepared fairly quickly.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to a great week and delicious meals!

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Menu Plan Monday

by Elizabeth on March 16, 2010 · 1 comment

in Menu Plan Monday

I apologize for the late post today and no post yesterday. We had a minor family emergency (everything is fine now!) yesterday evening, so things have been a little crazy. This week we have eaten or will be eating:

Saturday: Chicken Tetrazzini, Crusty No-Knead White Bread

Sunday: Horseradish Meatloaf (recipe coming soon!), mashed potatoes, peas*

Monday: Leftovers, Salad

Tuesday: St. Patrick’s Day meal (a day early J) – Shepherd’s Pie, Irish soda bread, Crème de Menthe Brownies (recipe coming soon!)

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: To Be Determined, but something involving chicken

*Because of what happened this weekend, this has already been scratched. I’m sure it will show up in next week’s meal plan because it is super delicious (and because I have so many potatoes that need to be eaten).

As always, Menu Plan Monday is brought to you by I’m An Organizing Junkie

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1 Rona's Home Page March 21, 2010 at 1:00 am

Your menu plan sounds delicious.

I really enjoy MPM because I'm able to get loads of recipe ideas.

Just another reason for loving blogging.

Well, I've got to get back to some window shopping on QVC. They have a beautiful water fountain for indoors and outdoors.


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