Menu Plan Monday

by Elizabeth on January 17, 2011 · 8 comments

in Menu Plan Monday, my cat is better than your cat

The first week of single girl cooking went pretty well!  I deviated from my menu on Tuesday because Target had frozen chicken nuggets on sale and I couldn’t resist.  Plus, I don’t consider that to be too bad of a staple food to be kept in the house for lunch or dinner emergencies.  And they taste pretty good too.  =)  
Speaking of staple groceries, I was thinking of doing a post on the sorts of foods I always keep on hand and maybe a separate post on shopping and/or menu planning for one.  Is that something anyone would be interested in?
This week, I’m trying out a new idea, where basically I cook three times a week and eat the leftovers for lunch and dinner throughout the week.  I tried to pick the days I thought would be the best cooking days, schedule-wise, and spaced them apart enough where so I thought I could finish (or almost finish) the leftovers before cooking something else.  I’ll let you know how it goes next Monday.
On the menu for this past weekend:
Friday: Pasta Frozen dinner (I wasn’t a fan in case you were interested)
Saturday: Dinner with at my parents – Shrimp, sun-dried tomatoes, and artichokes in a garlic/white wine sauce over pasta, a huge family favorite
Sunday: Penne with spinach cream sauce (scroll down for this delicious recipe), salad with lemon vinaigrette (recipe coming tomorrow!)
This week I have planned:
Monday: Out
Tuesday: Lentil soup over rice (check the comments on this post for how I make this super easy and fast)
Wednesday: Leftovers
Friday: Leftovers or something easy
I also added to my family this weekend!  I adopted (from the humane society) Catherine, a sweet one-year-old cat.  I’m going to call her Caty (or maybe even Caty Cat) because Catherine is a) my middle name and b) too much for such a small cat.  She’s super sweet and very cuddly.  She really likes her new house and so far her favorite activities are looking out the windows, showing off her amazing jumping prowess by leaping from the floor to the kitchen counter (where she does not belong – must work on that), and sleeping on my pillow.

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

1 amber January 17, 2011 at 4:50 pm

aww yay for Caty!!


2 Marcia January 17, 2011 at 4:55 pm

Very cute blog! Your meal ideas are tasty-looking, too. Good luck with the new job. I don't cook for one, but I'm the mother of three grown sons with some tips on easy cooking and saving money. Please stop by my blog when you get the chance!


3 Your Frugal Friend, Niki January 17, 2011 at 4:59 pm

The balsamic chicken sounds divine!


4 Cate January 17, 2011 at 5:48 pm

I would be interested in a series on shopping/cooking for one…that's something I never really got to do!

Also…Caty is adorable!


5 amber January 17, 2011 at 8:05 pm

P.S. I'm thinking about starting Weight Watchers. Do you have any good (and fairly easy) recipes?


6 falsedandelions January 17, 2011 at 10:11 pm

Congratulations on your new addition! Adoption is so rewarding. I don't know what we'd do without our two.


7 therese January 18, 2011 at 3:10 pm

Love the idea of a cooking for singles series… Me and TFH have "Fend for Yourself" nights at our place.. and one day a week I don't have to cook anything with him in mind! That's when I can eat portabella burgers like no other 😉 Please write some easy recipes for me! 🙂

P.S. Force your friend Amber to do WW… because it's PHENOMENAL! And I lost 5.2 lb. in the first week! (announcing it on the blog today!)

And P.P.S. I LOVE YOUR KITTY! OMG She looks gorgeous and perfect! Both of my fur beasts came from the shelter, both were older (a year +) and I love them with my life 🙂 I hope she gives you the kind of companionship and love you're looking for in a lil rascal!


8 Elizabeth January 18, 2011 at 5:57 pm

Thanks, Marcia and Nikki, for stopping by! I'm glad you think my menu looks good and, Nikki, the chicken is awesome and you should make it!

Amber, I'll email you about WW. It's too much to put in a blog comment.

I'm glad y'all like my cat; she's pretty awesome (not that I'm biased or anything!).

I'm working on a shopping and cooking series, so look for that coming very soon! Thanks for the input!


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