Menu Plan Monday

by Elizabeth on January 24, 2011 · 4 comments

in Menu Plan Monday

Last week I tried cooking just three meals and eating the leftovers on the off days, and I think it went pretty well. I ended up having to bump the balsamic chicken and mushrooms off the menu because I had too many leftovers, but that worked out well because I ended up using the mushrooms in last night’s dinner. So no food waste and a great meal! That’s a win-win for me.

I’m trying (and probably failing) to cook smaller portions so I won’t end up with too many leftovers that turn into food waste, but I’m also trying to incorporate some things that freeze well. Tuesday’s dinner freezes well, so the leftovers for it will probably go into the freezer for another week. 

Sunday: Chicken with Mushrooms and Artichokes (this was my new recipe for the week; I thought it was good, it just needed some more seasonings)

Monday: Leftovers

Tuesday: Gnocchi Florentine

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Lemon chicken with Broccoli, brown rice

Friday: TBA

What’s on your menu for this week?

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 falsedandelions January 24, 2011 at 2:35 pm

Could you post the recipe for Gnocchi Florentine? John loves Gnocchi but I only have one recipe that uses it.


2 therese January 24, 2011 at 2:48 pm

Ooooh this week. Man… I went crazy with some broccoli a week and a half ago… so I've got some recipes up my sleeve for that 😉

I think we're looking at broccoli soup, curry paneer, baked zucchini patties, and pork chops and greens.

I've learned to make about 2-4 servings for each meal for our family of 2. I like to bring SmartOnes to work (Weight Watchers ya know) for lunch, but TFH will tolerate leftovers. So after dinner I make him a little doggie bag that he can enjoy the next day. That keeps our dinners new so he doesn't get too tired of em 🙂

You should check out Pampered Chef's Cooking for Two cookbook, or Rachael Ray's. Though if yer like me, you need another cookbook like you need a hole in the head 😉


3 Elizabeth January 25, 2011 at 2:11 am

The gnocchi recipe is going up this week!

Reese, thanks for the cookbook tips; I'll have to check them out at the library. I DO NOT need more cookbooks. In fact, I'm thinking of starting a cookbook challenge just so I can actually put them to use!


4 Colean January 25, 2011 at 9:23 pm

Also, there's a Cooking for 2 for Dummies that has really great recipes in it. I got it to help me change my mindset from cooking for 6 people to cooking for 2. (I feel like, typing this, that I might have mentioned it before, but can't remember. If so, ignore the duplicate recommendation!)


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