New Cabinets!

by Elizabeth on May 30, 2013 · 4 comments

in love, the house

One of the benefits of dating someone who works in a construction-related field is all the scraps that get brought home.  I imagine it would be similar to dating a chef – lots of leftovers.  The Carpenter is all the time collecting scrap wood for projects he has in mind, and sometimes, when they’re working on a big project, more than scrap wood is leftover at the end.

Which is how I ended up with cabinets in my laundry room.



Let me say that while there was nothing wrong with the way my laundry room was before, I really dislike wire shelving.  A lot of things have disappeared into the black hole behind the washer and dryer after falling from between the wires.  Every closet in my house has this kind of shelving, but it only really bothers me in the pantry and the laundry room.



So while I was in Boston for MLA, and The Carpenter called and asked if I wanted some free cabinets, I jumped at the chance.

And after!

And after!

He took measurements while I was gone and when I came home, there was a pile of freshly built cabinets in my garage.  He even made me a little shelf and a place to hang some of my shirts and dresses to dry.


Super handy, right?

I'm sure you all appreciate this look into my cabinets.

I’m sure you all appreciate this look into my cabinets.

They are really dark and I was afraid they were going to make the room look smaller, but they really don’t.  And I have SO much more space to put things and zero risk of anything falling.

Of course Caty had to help.

Of course Caty had to help.

Next up, I’m thinking crown molding in my room and maybe a new bookcase or two… 🙂

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Amber May 30, 2013 at 1:24 pm

(A) Cabinets are gorgeous!

(B) Caty looks completely enamored with The Carpenter; does she love him!?


2 Elizabeth May 30, 2013 at 9:46 pm

A: Thanks!

B: Yes, she most definitely does. But then again, she adores anyone who scratches her belly. lol


3 Christine May 30, 2013 at 9:09 pm

A: LOVE the cabinets!

B: Nice butt shot of The Carpenter in the last photo. LOL! 🙂


4 Elizabeth May 30, 2013 at 9:46 pm

A: Thanks!

B: I have an even better one but I figured I should keep that one to myself 😉


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