1. Budget – Aim for 10 no-spend days. I did good with my 8 last month, but I think I can handle 10. A lot of days that were spend days were days when I bought my lunch instead of packing it or eating what I brought. 10 seems high, but really, that’s two weeks with 2 days, and two weeks with 3 days. I think I can do that.
2. Food – Stick to my menu plan. I’ve always been good about planning a menu and shopping for things on that menu, but here lately I’ve fallen off the eating my menu part. There is no reason to buy food if I’m not going to eat it and you all know I hate food waste, so this month I aim to eat what I say I’m going to cook.
3. Blogging – Stick to my schedule. I made a blogging schedule a few months ago and while it’s been great for helping not to get writer’s block, I haven’t been totally great about sticking to it. I’d like to really work on that this month, for my own personal needs and to bring in some more traffic. I’ve noticed that my stats are dropping and I’d like to change that quickly.
4. Social – Do something social at least once a week. I’ve already got two things schedule for this week (yay me!) and I’d like to keep it up. I’m also trying to find some things around town to get involved in, so hopefully that will help. I think I would be more willing to go out and do things if I knew more people or had the option to meet more people.
5. Personal – Start getting ready for Christmas. It’s less than two months away folks! Time to get ready! This goal is twofold: first, I need to draw up a list (and a budget!) of what everyone’s getting, and then I need to start on some DIY gifts. I want to have most of these done by the end of the month so I don’t freak out. I will be decorating the house a few days after Thanksgiving, so I’ll be able to tell what other decorations I need and how in the world I’m going to keep Caty from climbing the Christmas tree.
What are your goals for this month? Can you believe it’s already November?
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Is Caty a big climber? We were really worried that our cats would climb our Christmas tree, but so far they’ve never tried it.
I can’t believe it’s November already!
Caty is a jumper and very curious. I’m worried that she’ll go after a certain ornament or something when I’m gone and I’ll find the whole tree on the floor later. Hopefully, it won’t be like that. I’m going to put the best ornaments up high and leave a few things low for her to bat at.
I just graduate in May so, yes, it is hard to believe it is November already.
I have a few basic goals for this month: blog more, read and write in my leisure time instead of spending hours on Facebook and Twitter, and save some money.
Those are great goals! Good luck reducing your time on FB and Twitter…those are huge time sucks for me too!