On Being Healthy During the Summer

by Guest Author on July 8, 2013 · 3 comments

in guest post, health information, life

Hi! I’m Christine, Lizy’s BFF and I’m here posting for her today! Only a BFF would fill the Monday morning slot. 😉 Anyway, I blog over at My Everyday Life if you want to check it out. 🙂 Here today, though, I want to talk about being healthy during the summer.

It’s way easier to stay healthy during the summer.

Ok, so my title and intro may be a little misleading. 😉 I’m not here to lecture you on eating low calorie summer salads or to talk about how easy it is to get out and get exercise during the summer. This summer I’ve been far more focused on my mental and emotional health than my physical health.

Usually during the summer I am super focused on staying fit and having a great bikini body. Or at least an acceptable one. Since I’m still dealing with my hip injury this summer, I am unable to exercise as much as I usually do. My physical exercise this summer generally consists of everyday activity and the occasional bike ride. However, my mental and emotional health?…they’re doing fantastic!

So what am I doing differently?

Well for one my career change has had a huge impact on my mental health! I really enjoy my new job and am much more able to leave my work at work! It doesn’t hurt that I may be up for a promotion soon!

I’m spending time with friends and family. This past weekend I had 5 days off work and had a great 4th of July barbecue with my husband and his coworkers. And when we weren’t entertaining? Hubby and I lounged around the house, went to a local wildlife safari, went to a movie, watched a movie (or two) at home, and generally enjoyed our long weekend. It was fantastic!

I’m also not beating myself up for not being super fit. Unfortunately a lot of us (well, at least I hope it’s not just me) put far too much stock into how thin or fit we are. My self worth should have nothing to do with my waistline! Though on a completely different tangent I think that trying to stay at a healthy weight is a way to show respect for yourself. But the point is, there’s no reason for me to feel bad about myself if I’m not as thin as I was last summer. For now, I’m happy that my clothes still fit and that I’m eating pretty healthily (well, except for a couple weeks when I ate far too much fast food).

And all of that together: new career, time to spend with friends and family, and not worrying about my weight, has led to a very happy summer! I’m definitely enjoying slowing down a bit and actually enjoying the summer!

So how has your summer been?

Are you pushing yourself too hard or are you taking some time to sit back and smell the hotdogs?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Elizabeth July 15, 2013 at 10:07 am

“sit back and smell the hotdogs”

This is why you win at life.


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