Recipe: Crème de Menthe Brownies

by Elizabeth on March 17, 2010 · 1 comment

in recipes

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I thought I would share one of my family’s favorite brownie recipes. It’s pretty basic; I start with a boxed mix, but feel free to use your family’s favorite brownie recipe.

Crème de Menthe Brownies – Makes a 9×13 pan

Adapted from Paula Deen

1 9×13 pan of baked and cooled brownies

½ cup (1 stick) of butter, softened

2 cups sifted powdered sugar

4 tablespoons green crème de menthe*

6 ounces (1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips

6 tablespoons butter

Beat butter and sugar together until well combined and creamy. Beat in crème de menthe until well blended. Spread over cooled brownies and refrigerate until firm. Melt butter and chocolate chips in a double boiler (or in a small bowl over a pan of simmering water like I do!). Pour over brownies, tilting to cover all the filling. Refrigerate until firm.

*Crème de menthe comes in green and clear. If you can’t find the green kind, just add in a few drops of green food coloring to make these brownies St. Patrick’s Day friendly.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Enjoy!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Alea January 21, 2011 at 11:01 pm

These sound incredible. I am so glad you shared the link…I don't think I will be waiting until St. Paddy's Day to try these out.


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