Remembering the Magic of Harry Potter

by Elizabeth on July 12, 2011 · 2 comments

in Adventures, awesomeness, books, guest post

I discovered Harry Potter in Walmart.  It was the summer between freshman and sophomore years of high school and I was bored, so while my mother was roaming the aisles in search of everything on her three-page-long list, I slipped away to the book aisle.  I didn’t quite pick up the book at random.  I had heard about the series, but I didn’t really know anything about it. I knew that it seemed to be causing a whole lot of ruckus in both the book world and the conservation Christian world, which, being from Alabama, I had generous exposure to, but that was about it.

I knew very little about the story, only that it was about magic, was apparently awesome, and a movie was in the works.

To keep reading, jump over to my friend Megg’s blog, The Life of a Not So Desperate Housewife.  She’s running a series on Harry Potter all week!  

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Erin July 12, 2011 at 7:28 pm

I never got on the Harry Potter…all of my friends got on board slowly but surely but I’ve held out (partly because of the ruckus)…However I couldn’t say no to Twilight … btw, I’m a librarian as well


2 Elizabeth July 12, 2011 at 8:08 pm

You really are missing out. Yes, it is a world-wide phenomenon, but it really is amazing literature. Unlike Twilight, which is certainly questionable. JKR is a MUCH better writer and uses mythology better than Stephenie Meyer ever could. *ducks to avoid angry Twilight fans hurling glitter at her*


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