September Goal Review

by Elizabeth on September 29, 2011 · 2 comments

in goal review, goals

1. Budget – Reevaluate!  Fail.  I haven’t looked at my budget since I wrote my September goals.  I got one email from saying I was over-budget on books (shocker) but either I’ve been doing really well, or Mint has just stopped bothering to send me emails about my grocery and gas budgets.  I know that I’ve over spent on clothes (hey, Banana Republic and The Limited were having really great sales and I needed more cardigans) and I’m probably right at my limit on groceries.  I’ve eaten out too many times this month.  I have library fines (oops).  So yeah, not a good month money-wise.

2. Food – Continue trying one new recipe and week and cooking from cookbooks.  I’ve actually done really well on this one.  I’m still trying lots of new recipes (My Pinterest board is full of them!) and while I didn’t cook from a cookbook this week, I’ve done it every other week.  I need to rotate out the cookbooks I’ve been using because I’m getting a little bored with Gida and Ina.  Time to change it up.

3. Blogging – Write something (anything!) once a day.  This is probably better than last month, but I wouldn’t call it a true success.  I planned all my blog posts out for the rest of the year (why yes I have control issues) which has helped tremendously with staying on top of things, but as last week will show, sometimes I still don’t blog even when I have a planned topic.  But the schedule is working, so I just need to stick with it.

4. Social – Entertain.  I’ve had friends over for dinner (we got takeout both times), made dinner and had a tv night with my parents, and a friend spent the weekend with me a few weeks back.  That’s actually better than I thought.  Not how I envisioned it when I wrote the goal, but better.  I still want to have some sort of gameday function and throw a holiday open house, so I need to start planning for those.  But overall, not a complete fail.  And entertaining doesn’t have to be a big, lavish, or well planned affair; The Reluctant Entertainer taught me that.

5. Personal – Do some sort of excercise two or three times a week.  Snort. I was actually doing really well with this earlier in the month.  I even got a bunch of new yoga videos at the library.  But lately…I just haven’t wanted to.  I’m lazy and pudgy and until things get a little bit better, I may just have to deal with that.  I know that exercise will help, but finding the motivation to turn off The Vampire Diaries is really hard.

How did you do on your September goals?

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1 Cate September 29, 2011 at 6:39 pm

I hate those months where everything to do with money just sucks. 🙁 And I hear you on the library fines. I used to pride myself on never having had one! But lately…not so much.


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