Last week’s self love post wasn’t a great one. But this week, I feel like I’m in a better place in my relationship and just feeling better about myself in general. I appreciate all of your sweet and supportive comments; they meant so much to me.
So onto the self love!
Today I’m loving…
…my heart for it’s ability to forgive.
…my brain for being understanding.
…my conscious for forcing me to speak my mind and share my feelings.
…that I got to see 3 of my best friends and get their thoughts, opinions, support, and love.
…that my tomatoes are coming in and I get to enjoy fresh, juicy vegetables from my garden.
And something I’m not loving this week…
…my stomach. It’s been giving me fits for over a year and I finally went to the doctor and of course they don’t know what’s wrong yet. I’ve had lots of tests and am having another one on Monday so hopefully I’ll know something soon. I’m looking forward to knowing what’s wrong so I can get it fixed and stop feeling sick!
What are you loving about yourself this week?
This post is linked to Summer Self Love Link Up
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In relation to point #4–You really have no idea how much that day meant to me. I felt so loved and so special. It has been the highlight of the pregnancy (aside from the baby, herself, of course) and I will never forget it. And, I’ll never let Olivia forget how much her Aunts love her. 🙂
I’m so glad you had a good day! I had hoped it would cheer you up but not be overwhelming. 🙂
I’m thinking of coming back over either right before the baby comes or after she’s born, when you’ll need help. Before, if you need help getting around and getting things ready or after, so I can spoil her obviously, but so you can do things like shower and take a nap. Or grocery shop without a husband and infant. We’ll talk about that later. 🙂
Awww that would be wonderful!!