To My Lovely Readers

by Elizabeth on February 15, 2012 · 7 comments

in Adventures

Despite my goals to blog consistently and create better content, you may have noticed that I am failing.  My content has been sparse, and when I have blogged, it’s about things you probably don’t care about.  In fact, my internet life in general (except for Twitter…I love me some Twitter) has seriously fallen by the wayside.

There are a lot of reasons why things have gone this way.  Being busy at work, having lots of social obligations, and my depression and general lack of energy are just a few excuses I can give you.

But the real reason is that I am going through some very difficult, very personal things right now; the kind of thing that you can’t talk about online.  I want you all to know that I (health-wise) am fine and so is my family (including Caty!), so this is a different kind of personal issue.

The thing is though, that I WANT so much to be able to share what is going on at the moment.  I want to be able to tell my story and get feedback, compassion, and advice.  But I am afraid that I will share too much.  That I will damage things permanently.  I have to protect myself.

Unfortunately, the world we live in isn’t as understanding and supportive as my blog readers are.  The right to free speech isn’t really the right to free speech when you are saying or writing things (no matter how vague) that someone doesn’t agree with.  I blogged about this in the past, how they can’t stop me. 

And they aren’t stopping me.  I’m stopping me.  I’m doing what I can to prevent anything else from happening.  From making a mistake that I can’t take back.

So here’s what’s going to happen.  I am not quitting or leaving this blog.  I want to be very clear about that.  I just may not be here as often as you like.  This will cease to a be 5-6 days a week kind of blog.  And when I’m here, I might sharing a funny list, a lolcat, or a recipe.  If that’s not your thing, I’m sorry, but it’s all that I could give at the moment.

I want you to know how much I love you all.  How I’m crying as I write this.  How much I want to wrap you all in hugs for being so wonderful, so understanding, so consistently here, such AMAZING readers.

I will be back when I can, but no promises.  However, if you really miss your daily does of me (lol), I’m am always accessible via email at lifelovelibrarianship [at] gmail [dot] com or on Twitter.

Much love,


{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Reese February 16, 2012 at 9:15 am

There are sometimes obstacles in our lives that are invisible to others, but very much real to ourselves. Those obstacles require no descriptions, debates or excuses. They are a bitch to deal with. Take time for YOU to better your situation, enjoy life (because it’s so damn short as it is, who wants to worry about the virtual ramifications too?!), and breathe.

You are very much loved from your blog readers, me included!

And if you ever need to talk, just to get it out there, you know how to reach me. I can either respond, or just read it and keep quiet. Sometimes just having people know works. And “people” includes Caty there. My little Renfield is the best listener in the world. 😉


2 Amber February 16, 2012 at 9:53 am

I love you and hope things get better.

You can always call me. And, although there is a good chance my phone will be stuck in the couch cushions, on silent, or living in the bottom of my purse and I won’t hear it ring, I will *always* call you back.

Love you, Big.


3 Amelia (@LitJrzyGrl) February 16, 2012 at 10:27 am

I agree with Reese, you need to take the time for you. I’ll be here when you come back as I’m going to assume your faithful followers.


4 Amy February 16, 2012 at 5:49 pm

Also going to remain a faithful follower and close friend. Hope whatever it is clears up for you sooner rather than later and you’re back to being able to just relax.


5 Carol Walalce February 16, 2012 at 7:13 pm

Please take care of yourself and do whatever is best for YOU. My blog is therapy too and I understand somewhat what you might be going through. You have my email and you may ALWAYS email me and know that it will not go any further. I hope it helps just knowing that you have so many people who genuinely care about you. Hang in there and we will be happy for any posting you want to do.


6 Elisa February 18, 2012 at 3:35 pm

I’m sorry about your personal situation.
You’re within your rights to take a break. See you whenever you come back online!


7 LibGirl09 February 21, 2012 at 7:31 pm

I’m not a frequent commenter, but I lurk often. So sorry you are going through tough times. (((((HUGS))))) to you. Take all the time you need. You never have to apologize for taking time to get better. I wish you well!


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