A Truly Simple Weekend

by Elizabeth on March 29, 2010 · 1 comment

in Adventures, simplicity

If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted anything since Thursday afternoon. I didn’t forget to nor am I ignoring my blog; but instead, I did this purposely. I decided to take an internet sabbatical this weekend. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? Taking the weekend off from the internet?

Why would I ever do such a thing? I did it because I find myself spending way too much time on the computer, more specifically playing around online. When all you can think about is checking your email or what is new on facebook, you know there is a problem. The solution? Stay away from the computer all weekend long. I did what I needed to at work on Friday, but instead of getting back online as soon as I got home, I stayed away. I didn’t even turn on the computer at all until about an hour ago.

Instead of spending mindless hours online, I slept late, made homemade lunches, baked bread and brownies, did laundry, roasted a chicken, watched a movie, cleaned my room, and spent time with my family. Without staying glued to the computer, I was able to accomplish a lot of needed tasks. I’m sure this isn’t something that will be happening on a regular basis, but it felt great being able to get things done and not getting distracted by some random website.

What about you, could you take an internet sabbatical?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Christine March 31, 2010 at 1:05 am

I think I SHOULD take an internet sabbatical..but I'm not sure if I could…maybe in a few months 😉


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