We Are the Champions (Again)

by Elizabeth on January 9, 2013 · 2 comments

in awesomeness, favorites, i am random

For those of you who don’t know me very well (and/or don’t follow me on Twitter), I’m a huge football fan.  My team?  Why the Alabama Crimson Tide, of course. 🙂  It’s the way I was raised and the school I got both of my degrees from.  It’s a school I couldn’t be prouder of.  If you know anything about football, especially college football, you know what a tough sport it is.  Week after week, tough team after tough team, players fight for the win.  When they lose, it’s horrific, tragic, soul crushing.  But when they win…oh man is it fantastic.

Luckily, Bama wins.  A lot.

It wasn’t always that way.  5 out of my 6 football seasons as a student were spent moaning and groaning and watching other SEC schools dominate and watching mine, well, be mediocre.  That changed in 2009, when my last semester as a student at my beloved university was made all the sweeter by our first BCS national championship, and first championship in 17 years.  And ever since, I’ve gotten to watch my boys win and win and win some more.

When you go to a school like Alabama, you can’t get away from the history.  Whether it’s civil war history, being bad at basketball history, or legends of The Bear, it’s impossible to escape.  You long to be part of something historical, even if it’s just (ha!) winning some football games.  Once upon a time, Alabama was a football dynasty.  Now that dynasty is back, with more sparkly footballs and some of the biggest people you’ve ever seen.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Amber January 10, 2013 at 7:38 am

Amen, sister!

My brother has told me it was might fault that Bama was bad in the 2000s, since I was in school there. I tell him that I was still in grad school when we won the 2009 NC, but he said that doesn’t count. Goofy Bubba.

Roll Tide.


2 christine January 10, 2013 at 11:39 am



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