Weekly Wanderings

by Elizabeth on March 11, 2011 · 3 comments

in blogs, weekly wanderings

Weekly Wanderings: What I Found While Wandering Around the Blogosphere
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins – I’ve been thinking about a banana chocolate chip muffin for quite some time now (no idea why) so I was very excited to run across this recipe.  I just happen to have a cup of mashed bananas in the freezer!
Weeknight Bolognese – I’ve been meaning to try this recipe from How Easy Is That?, Ina Garten’s newest cookbook (y’all know how much I love me some Ina).  I really like Annie’s suggestion of making it with ground turkey and whole wheat pasta for a little healthier twist. 
Butternut Squash Past Al Forno – I’m thinking this might make going vegetarian just a little bit easier.  How delicious does all the cheesy goodness sound?
Egg Salad Sandwich (the only one I’ll eat) – A while ago, my friend Lauren, recommended this site to me and I’ve been pursuing it heavily over the last few days looking for new vegetarian recipes.  I’ve been especially concerned with finding lunches I can eat (other than leftovers); I think this sandwich would be a good one to take to work provided I bring the bread separately.  I will only eat egg salad if it doesn’t have mustard and has minimal mayonnaise so this seems like a good version for me.
Cabot Cheddar Soda Bread – I always celebrate holidays with themed meals.  Well, that is, I used to celebrate holidays with themed meals until I moved into my own house and started cooking for one.  I think the last “themed” food I made were red velvet whoopie pies for Valentines.  Anyway, my point is, I discovered soda bread (it was actually my first bread making attempt!) one year while cooking for St. Patrick’s Day.  I won’t be eating my usual St. Paddy’s day meal of shepherd’s pie, but I still plan on making some soda bread.  I’m thinking cheesy soda bread sounds amazing.
Everything else:
10 Ways to Save Money on Gas – With gas prices skyrocketing (I drove a Corolla and it cost me $40 to fill up.  My tank only holds 12 gallons. Ouch.), we could all use a few new ways to save money on gas. 
An Uncomfortable Talk: My Take on Christianity – Amy opens herself up to controversy by sharing this, but I think it’s an excellent post.  My views on the subject are very similar. 
How to Disagree on the Internet – Everyone needs to read this.  Lately, I’ve seen or heard about some major issues with comments or other commenters.  While it’s fine to disagree with the author, a comment is not the time or place to jump all over someone for sharing their opinions.  Just because their opinions are different from yours doesn’t make them wrong.  Let’s be nice. 
This post is linked to Friday Favorites.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Cate March 11, 2011 at 6:06 pm

I made the weeknight bolognese last night and it was delicious! Very hearty and satisfying (and indeed easy). I'm excited to have leftovers tonight!

Also, the post about disagreeing on the internet was spot-on. Thanks for linking to it.


2 Elizabeth March 12, 2011 at 4:12 am

Wasn't it? I thought it was so interesting how that popped up right after we had that same sort of conversation. Everyone seemed to be talking about it earlier in the week.


3 SnoWhite March 13, 2011 at 11:57 pm

cheesy soda bread… wow! Thanks for linking up!


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