For the past nine months blogging has become an increasingly important feature in my life. I completely blame it on my Information Technologies teacher who, instead of teaching us HTML, taught the class how to blog. My foray into blogging came with Chronicles of a Library School Student, my now defunct blog about living life as a library school student. During that epic summer school class in which I learned how to blog, I also discovered other peoples’ blogs. I had read a few in the past, but had never subscribed to any or really thought about starting my own. Pretty soon I was obsessed with blogs and blogging, reading everything I could get my hands on. When I discovered the magical world of Google Reader and having a single place where all my blogs could be stored, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The summer past by with me happily reading and blogging away.
Enter the fall semester where I worked three jobs, took three classes, and tried to maintain a social life. My own blog began to fade in importance, but my love for other people’s blogs did not. Why do I love blogs so much? It’s difficult to explain, but I think it has something to do with the intimacy of blogs. Blogs are like a window into someone else’s life, job, etc. I have found that I prefer those blogs that are more about the people, their lives, and their situations to those blogs that are only about one specific thing. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy blogs that only focus on cooking, fashion, or (in my case) librarianship. However, I love blogs that encompass a wide variety of topics from family to photography to cooking to life in general.
Which brings me to this blog. Adventures of an Unemployed Librarian is not just about job hunting, librarianship, or the struggles of living with your parents in your twenties. It’s about all those things, plus a lot more. I read a lot of simple living and frugal blogs and I have learned so much from them. This blog is a way for me to demonstrate how I’m putting those new skills in action. It’s also a place for me to share my life and my struggles. So welcome to my adventures and I hope you enjoy!
Welcome to My Blog!
Next post: Menu Plan Monday
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