I knew this was going happen weeks ago. I just knew that there would be no way I could finish the spinach cream sauce before it went bad.
And I was right. Sigh.
I really tried my best; incorporating into my menu plans more times than I care to count, but it was like a never ending pasta bowl from Olive Garden. IT NEVER ENDED. It really should have gone out last week, but since I was at the beach, I didn’t actually throw anything out before I left.
So really this counts as two weeks worth of food waste, right? In that case, I say I did really well.
I also have half of two different onions (a red and a white for those of you who are confused as to why I have 2 onion halves in the first place) sitting around in the fridge. Can I chop them up and freeze them? Is there anything special I need to do before I stick them in there?
It’s been a while since I’ve done a food waste post. This is due to several reasons; one, I’ve been hugely swamped at work (thank goodness it should be calming down soon!), two, I haven’t been cooking as much due to being lazy, being too busy, or having too many leftovers, and three, I’ve been a little embarrassed.
Over the past two weeks I’ve thrown away more food that I ever thought possible. It was absolutely terrible last week and included me throwing out bread. BREAD! I was horrified that I allowed bread to grow moldy. I guess that’s what you get for thinking one person (who doesn’t eat sandwiches all that often) could go through an entire loaf of bread alone. Oh well. Live and learn, I guess.
This week isn’t so bad.
On the top are some canned artichokes I used in a pasta dish weeks ago and sort of forgot about. I had planned to make a pizza and then I never got around to it. They smell a little funny, so it’s time to toss them. In the bottom container is some leftover dip from a party I threw on Valentine’s Day. It’s probably still okay, but it’s got sour cream and mayo in it and it’s been in there almost two weeks. Better to be safe than sorry. Plus, I’m not going to eat it, so why wait until it starts to smell?
I also have some pizza that I ordered on Sunday night in the fridge. It still looks and smells okay, but I’m a little unsure. Does anyone know how long pizza will last in the fridge? Can I eat it tomorrow or should I throw it out?
What did you waste this week?
It was another no waste week around here! That’s three weeks in a row! As usual, there is some leftovers in the fridge, but I’m sure my dad will make short work of them. How did you do this week?
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Yes – chop and freeze them.
And yes, that counts as two weeks of food waste, in which case: you rock.
Happy Friday!
New reader here!
Yes, you can totally chop those babies up and freeze them! I've found that that can be the perfect way to have a "pre-made" soup base ready to go at a moment's notice. I'll often chop up celery, onion and carrot and freeze them together. The only issue I've found is that the frozen chopped veggies will release a bit more water than usual.
Thanks so much for the advice! I plan on going home and chopping up small baggies of onions to have on hand. I figured I could do this, but I always need some reassurance!
And welcome Meagan! Your blog looks delicious!