Menu Plan Monday

by Elizabeth on December 6, 2010 · 0 comments

in Menu Plan Monday

I’m already failing in my goal of trying two new recipes this week.  Oops.  🙂  I was planning on something new for Saturday, but it was cold and potato soup seemed really appealing.  I don’t think I’ve ever linked to the recipe here though, so that has to count for something, right?  I have three (yay!) cookie recipes coming this week, starting tonight, so be sure to check back in every now and then and see what I’m baking up for the 12 Days of Christmas cookies!
This weekend we enjoyed:
Sunday: Beef Stew, cornbread
On the menu for this week:
Monday: Broccoli and pasta tossed in olive oil and garlic
Tuesday: Leftovers
Wednesday: Baked ziti, cake (it’s my birthday!!)
Friday: Dinner out to celebrate my birthday!
What’s on your menu this week?
This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday.

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