Sizzling Summer Book Club

by Elizabeth on May 25, 2010 · 1 comment

in books, summer reading

A few weeks ago I asked for book recommendations for my summer reading list.  I’m still poking around and looking for books to add to my official summer reading list and I will be posting my list as soon as I make my decisions.  However, I have also decided to join a summer book club!  I will be participating in Smart Bitch Sarah’s Sizzling Summer Book Club on Smart Bitches, Trash Books, one of my favorite websites.  If you are not familiar with SBTB, it’s a website run by two brilliant women who just happen to love reading romance novels.  They review books, conduct interviews with authors, have contests and giveaways, and basically share their love of all things romance.  They are also the authors of Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches’ Guide to Romance Novels, which is a hilarious look at the romance genre as a whole.  
One book will be selected every two weeks and there will be a live chat discussion on each book.  The club is being sponsored by AllRomanceEbooks and they are offering a 50% discount if you purchase the ebook through them.  I’ve never read a book on my computer, and since I don’t have an ereader that’s the way it’s going to have to work for me.  I’m willing to try it though to take advantage of the great price.  Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get the book from or the library in time to read it and participate.  So I will be looking for the best price and it looks like the ebook version is my best bet.  
The first book of the summer is Tessa Dare’s new release One Dance with a Duke.  I’ve never read anything by her, but I’m excited and I love historical romance! 

So if you love romance or even if you would just like to try out the genre while taking advantage of a cheap book, stop AllRomaceEbooks bookclub page for more information.  If you are thinking of participating, let me know!

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