This mascara. It’s life changing, I swear.
This pretty kitty. Obviously.
The Big Bang Theory. I discovered the reruns this summer and am completely obsessed. Any show that celebrates the nerd is awesome in my opinion.
This picture that was on one of the photo boards at my grandmother’s funeral last month. From left to right, my dad, me, my nonna, my uncle, and my aunt. It was 1986 so excuse the hair and clothing. 🙂
These pumpkin donut muffins. OMG, they are SO good. You should make them this weekend. Or immediately. And then hide them because they will disappear super fast.
My fall mantle decor. I didn’t want it to be all Pinterest-y, but I still wanted it to be cute. I did spend close to a half hour getting those pumpkins just right, but I’m pretty happy with the result. I’ve since added a cute wooden sign that says “wicked” in purple, orange, black, and green letters. Yay for seasonal decorating!
Dancing with the Stars. Yeah, yeah I know. Everyone’s sick of it, it’s no fun any more more, yadda yadda. I was tired of it to until this season – the All Star season. And now I’m loving it. I haven’t picked a favorite because it’s so hard when the dances are this good!
Pitch Perfect. Please tell me you’ve gone and seen this movie. If not, run, don’t walk. It’s hysterical. It’s like Glee in college, but ten times better because Rebel Wilson is in it. Riff offs, horizontal running, Fat Amy, projectile vomiting, cute boys who sing…yeah, you should go see it.
What are you loving lately?
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I also LOVE that mascara….but you know that since I told you about it. 😉 And seriously, it is life changing. Totally worth it. BTW, the saline solution trick really works. I extended it’s life by about 3 months by adding a couple drops of hubby’s contact solution when it started to feel dry.
I did the contact solution trick the other day and was so excited when it worked! I’m hoping to get a few more weeks of use out of this tube.
It’s nice to see you blogging so often again. 🙂 And everyone has been raving about Pitch Perfect … I guess I should see it soon!
You should! It was terrific!