Food Waste Friday: *hides face in embarrassment*

by Elizabeth on July 15, 2011 · 4 comments

in Food Waste Friday

I didn’t do a food waste post last week.  My story was that I was leaving for a wedding and didn’t have time, but the real reason was that I knew it was going to be bad and that I just didn’t feel like cleaning out the fridge yet.

And it is bad.  Terrible in fact.  Possibly my worst week ever.  I’ll just go and hide until the Food Waste police come and take me away.

From left to right: some very moldy cheese, watery cucumbers that were sour to begin with, roasted potatoes (in the yellow container) from three weeks ago, leftover crab rangoons from when Christine was in town, fruit that is fermenting, and more Chinese food that I was afraid to open (it smelled).

So let’s just hope that next week is better.  My fridge is empty so it should be.  Fingers crossed.

This post is linked to Food Waste Friday

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Cate July 15, 2011 at 10:21 am

We definitely have those weeks around our house, too. 🙁 It’s always so disappointing! I’m just shocked that you wasted crab rangoon…yum!!


2 Elizabeth July 15, 2011 at 12:21 pm

I know, I was too! I was so full that I just couldn’t eat it all and then I guess I forgot about it the next day. Not sure how that happened, but I was concerned it might not heat up well several days later.


3 WilliamB July 15, 2011 at 10:23 am

Wandering over here from Frugal Girl…

That’s a hard cheese in the pix, right? You can scrape off the mold and eat the rest.

I think you should get a pass on the cukes because they were sour, unless you like making fridge pickles.


4 Elizabeth July 15, 2011 at 12:23 pm

Usually I do scrape of the mold and use the rest of the cheese, but (and you can’t tell in the picture) this piece of cheese was almost completely covered in mold and had developed a smell. I wish I had caught it earlier so I could have saved it, but it got lost in my meat locker. I swear that drawer is a black hole. I lose more stuff in there…


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