Full Time Librarian = Exhausted

by Elizabeth on May 14, 2010 · 0 comments

in blogging, librarians

I want to begin by apologizing for not blogging since last Wednesday.  Between Cinco de Mayo and helping my mom host a reception, last week got away from me.  This week, on the other hand, has been a different story.  
Starting to work full time has been way more stressful and tiring than I every anticipated.  My body must have forgotten what it was like when I was in grad school when I left the house before 8 and didn’t return until after 9 at night.  I feel completely unprepared for the added stress of working full time, still trying to cook dinner, and maintain a semi-social life.  
Yes, I’m still cooking most nights.  I realized that my father can only prepare a few (although very tasty!) dishes and most of them are pasta-based.  As much as I like pasta, I can’t eat it every night, nor do I think that is particularly healthy.  However, I can no longer expect myself to work all day then go home to fix complicated meals; therefore, my week night menu plans from now on will include at least one meal cooked by my father and a leftover night, which could also be substituted for everyone fending for themselves.  My mother has taken on the cooking during the weekends, which I very gladly surrendered to her.  If you have any simple, quick, healthy, frugal meals to share, please do so in the comments!
But back to not blogging…I write this sitting at my desk enjoying the quiet morning.  I spent most of the week in orientation, meeting with various members of the hospital administration, or decluttering my office.  Now that those major tasks are done, I can move a little slower, and concentrate on bigger (and more library-related) things.  I’m hoping to get back in the routine of blogging at night and scheduling the post ahead of schedule.  I feel guilty (probably unnecessarily) for blogging at work, but I knew that I really needed to write something
So I’m sorry for skipping out on blogging for over a week, but plan to be better!

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