I Got Blog Business Cards!

by Elizabeth on November 27, 2013 · 2 comments

in blogging, self promotion

I went to a social media event a few weeks back and thought it would have been much better for me to have business cards with all my blog information rather than scribbling out my web address or Twitter feed and hoping people find me.  It seems to be what serious bloggers do, and if I want to be a (somewhat) serious blogger, I should have cards on me for when people ask about my blog.

(Because serious bloggers take 3 week blogging breaks.  Ahem.)

So I decided to have some made.  It took me a while to figure out that I couldn’t use a template on a site like VistaPrint.  Nothing I was trying to create was turning out right and all my graphics were looking wonky.

Then I remembered that I had pinned a post about DIYing blog business cards, so I went and checked that out.  It took some reading, some googling, and some more reading to figure out exactly what I wanted and what was the best way to accomplish that with only free photo editing tools at my disposal.  I ended up using the majority of the directions in this post: How to Make Your Own Business Cards in PicMonkey.

I don’t love PicMonkey; but for what I was attempting to accomplish, it was exactly what I needed.  I was able to follow the instructions on the post above to put in my own graphics and then use one of theirs to help jazz it up a little.  Then I switched to Picasa (my go-to photo editing tool) to add the text.

The graphics I used are the ones associated with this blog.  My header and profile button were designed by Sharon at Good, True, and Beautiful, and my social media buttons were designed by Christine at My Everyday Life.

After I got them designed just the way I wanted them, I uploaded them to VistaPrint and off they went!  I think I ended up paying around $35 in the end for the type of card and to use full color.  I got 250 so I thought that was a pretty good deal.

So here’s the final product!!





I think they turned out pretty cute.  What do you think?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Judith November 27, 2013 at 12:59 pm

I have been thinking about getting business cards for a while! I went to the Southern Magic Luncheon and it was such a hassle to write it all down! You have inspired me to follow through with it!!


2 Christine December 5, 2013 at 7:22 am

Love them!


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