Since I’ve been out of your lives for so long, I figured an update was in order.
Mostly work has kept me busy. Every day seems just a little bit crazier than the day before. Except for this week which is going to be super slow. Holidays = empty libraries
Obviously this one takes up a lot of my time. Putting herself in the way and not letting me get anything done. Yesterday, she almost fell into the toilet because I scared her coming into the bathroom. I laughed for like 10 minutes.
I’ve been doing some baking (more on that to come!) and cooking up a few things for you. This roasted broccoli is the best.
I took a quick trip to Savannah for a continuing education class. I ate these fried shrimp while I was attempting to warm up from the strangely cold weather. But really all you should focus on are the fries. They were incredible. It was two weeks ago and I’m still drooling over them.
Pinterest always finds me such cute things to send to The Carpenter.
See? I told you she was nuts.
And in case YOU are feeling a little nuts about Thanksgiving, check out my two Thanksgiving recipe roundup posts. Lots of good stuff there! My job this year is to bring a simple side and bread – lots and lots of bread.
So what’s new with you?
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Ha. I literally just scheduled a life update to go up tomorrow. We are so on the same track. 😉
Great minds think alike. 🙂
You are correct! Roasted broccoli is AMAZING. Must buy some soon…