May Goals

by Elizabeth on May 2, 2011 · 1 comment

in Adventures, goals

1. Budget – Put money into savings.  I haven’t been as diligent as I would like when it comes to saving money.  Instead of focusing so much on how much I’m spending, I want to turn my attention to the things I want to save for and actually putting money into my various savings accounts.
2. Food – Cook more.  I feel like I’ve falling down on cooking lately.  I love to cook and try new recipes so this month that’s what I’m going to do!  I’ve already built some new things into my menu and I plan on cooking smaller portions to help curb any food waste that may occur.
3. Blogging – Blog. Period.  I’ve made some changes and I have even more changes coming later this month, but my focus needs to remain on providing good content.  As always, let me know if there is something you would like to see me blog about and I’ll keep attempting to write natural, personal, and random posts about whatever I can think of.
4. Social – Maintain a balance.  This goes along with cooking more, I think.  I love going out to dinner with friends, but a) it’s expensive and b) it stresses me out to be out most every night.  But, I don’t need to hide away either.  A good, solid, balance is needed.
5. Personal – Organize my office.  This is the same as last month, because I didn’t do it.  And it needs to be done.  I went looking for something yesterday and couldn’t find it.  I must fix that before I lose something really important in my mess. 

What are your goals for this month?

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1 Megg May 5, 2011 at 3:46 pm

Re: Putting money into savings…one of the best things that ever happened to online banking (in my opinion!) is the automatic transfers that you can set up. I'm sure you're doing this already, but I absolutely LOVE it. About 1/4 (maybe more) of Geoff's paycheck goes into regular checking for us, and the rest gets divided up into various accounts for mortgage, bills, savings as well as savings for things like furniture and our Hawaii trip. I don't love that after he gets paid we only have like, $300 to spend on groceries and CC bills (this is much easier now that I'm working too!) but I do love that our savings and furniture and other funds are growing without me even realizing it. For me the key is out of sight out of mind. If it comes out initially all I see is what's leftover, rather than me trying to save on my own…and not doing it because I want more money in my checking account!
Anyway, I'm sure you have something like this set up, but I thought I'd give my feelings on it anyway 🙂


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