Menu Plan Monday

by Elizabeth on February 22, 2010 · 3 comments

in Menu Plan Monday

Why am I planning my menu? Menu planning is both practical and frugal. When you do all of the cooking for your family, you need to stay sane. If you’ve planned your menu ahead, there’s no wondering what’s for dinner at 4:00. Menu planning also helps me keep track of my grocery budget by forcing me to plan meals around what’s already in my pantry/refrigerator and what’s on sale. I do the grocery shopping on Fridays and my menu reflects that. For almost 400 menu plans and meal ideas, check out I’m an Organizing Junkie

Friday: Greek Tilapia, Greek pasta salad

Saturday: Hamburgers, broccoli slaw, leftover pasta salad

Sunday: Pasta with Sauce

Monday: Creamy Slow-Cooker Chicken, rice, broccoli

Tuesday: Homemade Pizzas
Wednesday: Mario’s Baked Ziti, salad, Buttered Rosemary Rolls

Thursday: Leftovers

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Laura February 22, 2010 at 11:58 pm

Welcome to MPM and to blogland! Woohoo, so great and your week looks delicious!!


2 Mom of Many February 23, 2010 at 3:05 am

Looking forward to reading your homemade pizza recipe!!


3 Rona's Home Page February 23, 2010 at 3:46 am

Welcome to MPM.
I love MPM! I get lots of inspiration from the various participants. It definitely helps us from getting bored.
You have a yummy meal plan.
I was unemployed for 6 months before finding a full time work at home job. My husband is still looking for a full time living wage job but in the meantime, he's working retail. Our teen recently got a part time job.
We're staying positive, praying and keeping the faith.


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