September Goals

by Elizabeth on September 1, 2010 · 0 comments

in Adventures, goals

  1. Move all but $300 from each paycheck to my savings accounts. I’m currently working on a establishing an emergency fund that I think will cover at least 6 months expenses, adding to my regular savings account, and saving to buy a house. I did pretty decent with money last month, so I’m going to try and keep it going.
  2. Start getting my finances together and begin house-hunting. I know what I want in a house, but now I have to determine how much I can afford. My neighbor is a realtor so I’m guessing now is the time to start talking to her.
  3. Try at least one new recipe a week. I don’t want to get complacent in my menu planning nor do I want my parents to be bored with what I cook. Plus, I print out so many new recipes every week, this is a great excuse to try them!
  4. Get up 15 minutes early every day for my quiet time. I did so poorly last month, but I’m using it as motivation to get up when the alarm clock goes off the first time. I am so NOT a morning person, so this is really hard. But no one ever said prayer was easy!
  5. Clean out my closet. I forgot to do this last month, so it has to be done now! Plus when I get done and have some room (and some hangers!) I can go shopping for some much needed fall staples.

What are your goals this month?

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