Etsy Store Review: crazymegg

by Elizabeth on July 24, 2011 · 0 comments

in awesomeness, my awesome friends, reviews

My friend Megg has always enjoyed making beaded jewelry and recently decided to turn that hobby into a way to make some extra income.  She opened her Etsy shop, crazymegg, in April and sells beaded bracelets, earrings, and necklaces, all handmade and all at a very reasonable price.

I had been on the hunt for new purple earrings to wear out (something dressier and bigger than what I would usually wear to work) for quite some time but hadn’t found anything.  I didn’t even think of checking Etsy (a site where I can spend hours and hours and WAY too much money, so I tend to avoid it) or asking Megg if she had anything in her store.  It wasn’t until I was emailing Megg about something different that I remembered she had an Etsy store.  I dropped by and, of course, found a pair of earrings that would be perfect.  They were almost exactly what I was looking for.

The original pair as pictured in Megg's store.

The original pair had a sparkly bead at the top that wasn’t exactly my style, so I was a little hesitant.  I contacted Megg about the earrings and she said she could easily remove it, and if I wanted, replace it with another bead.  I decided I preferred she just leave the bead off and she readily complied.

Megg shipped the earrings out the day after receiving my order and I received them in perfect condition.  She also included a sweet note and the earrings were nestled in an adorable bag.

Overall, I was incredibly pleased with my Etsy order from Megg’s store.  She has some really beautiful jewlery and all of it very tasteful and inexpensive.  Megg’s jewelry would make great gifts!

My earrings!

And the best part?  Megg makes custom jewelry (even bride and bridesmaid jewelry!), so if you have a special occasion coming up and want to wear something unique and gorgeous, you should get in touch with Megg.  I bet she’ll design something perfect for you.

Megg was generous enough to offer my lovely readers a coupon code.  Use the code LUCKY20 and you’ll get 20% off your order!  Have fun shopping!

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